Cabin pressure controller

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Cabin pressure controller

Post by thierryd »

When starting a new flight it seems that the second cabin pressure controller is always the active one. You can see "SYS 2" on the pressurization page. This controller will stay active during the first flight of the day (unless, like in the real airplane I believe, you press the MODE SEL for 10 seconds or so, which is a really nice touch). Once the aircraft is back on the ground (first landing of the day), it seems that the active controller switches back and forth between SYS 2 and SYS 1 several times (not sure what triggers this). My understanding is that the active controller should indeed automatically switch from one flight to the next but it appears that the active controller for the second flight of the day is somewhat random (could be SYS 1 but could be SYS 2 again).
It would be nice if the active cabin pressure controller switches from one flight to the next. I am not sure exactly when this should happen. I seem to remember reading somewhere that it might be triggered by the "weight on wheel" sensor.
Also, it would be a nice touch to have the initially active controller selected at random (I have heard that some Airbus pilots use this as a "coin toss" to decide which pilot gets the first flight of the day when getting in the plane).
Thierry (aka Captain Tango) | Website: | YouTube:
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